Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Golden Rule

"Do to others what you would have them do to you." (Matthew 7:12)

It's the golden rule.  Each major religion has this verse in some form or another as a rule to live by.  It makes me wonder why we have so many issues in our world then.

My 4 year old is memorizing this verse right now.  It's the basic rule that we drill into children but have such a difficult time abiding by as adults.  Even as I live out each day I realize that there are times I do not show my son what this means.  Hypocrite is a word that makes me cringe but I know that there are times I fit the description.  Sad, but true.

As I work through memorizing verses with my child, it stretches and encourages me to be a godly example to my children and husband.  It keeps the Word hidden deep in my heart so that it may radiate through my life.  My prayer is that I would not darken God's light and that His love and truth would be what people see when they look at me.

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